Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle The June meeting of Lullingstone Preceptory

The June meeting of Lullingstone Preceptory Lullingstone Preceptory was Consecrated on 11th July 1885 at the Wilmington Masonic Centre, Kent. In 1893  a decision was made to move nearer to London, and a Dispensation was obtained, and the Preceptory moved to the Bridge Hotel, London Bridge in 1894.

Further moves ensued, with a move noted to Mark Masons Hall in 1910, and to 10 Duke Street St James in 1951. The Preceptory qualified as a Keystone Preceptory in 1939. The Preceptory continues to meet at Duke Street and like many has emerged from the Covid pandemic wondering what the future holds.

We are of course dependant upon our brethren returning back to the Temple and the Installation of new Knights.

On Monday 27th June 2022 we were pleased to receive E.Kt Norman PLAYFORD as the Provincial representative to the Preceptory.  E.Kt Ed LINES as acting E.P Installed our two brother Knights Mike GREEN and John PARNELL in an excellent manner.

Eminent Preceptor Robyn MURDO-SMITH  and the brethren of Lullingstone Preceptory welcome our  two new Knights and remain optimistic for the coming years  as we all must for the sake of our special order.

Our next merry meeting is on Monday 28th November and all are welcome.


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